Extending Your Expiring Canadian Work Permit: A Guide Without LMIA or CAQ

How to Extend Your Canadian Work Permit Without an LMIA or CAQ: A Step-by-Step Guide

How to Extend Your Canadian Work Permit Without an LMIA or CAQ: A Step-by-Step Guide

Introduction: As a foreign worker in Canada, the expiration of your work permit can be a stressful time, especially if you haven’t received your new Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) or Certificated Acceptation du Quebec (CAQ). Fortunately, you can still apply for an extension of your work permit even without these documents. Here’s a comprehensive guide on how to navigate this process.

Understanding LMIAs and CAQs:

What is an LMIA? A Labor Market Impact Assessment (LMIA) is a document that Canadian employers must obtain to hire temporary foreign workers under the Temporary Foreign Worker Program (TFWP). Issued by Employment and Social Development Canada (ESDC), an LMIA confirms that hiring a foreign worker will have a positive or neutral impact on the Canadian labor market.

What is a CAQ? The Certificat d’Acceptation du Quebec (CAQ) is required for foreign workers and students in Quebec. Issued by the Government of Quebec, a CAQ indicates that the applicant meets provincial admission criteria, allowing them to secure a work or study permit. Quebec-based employers must obtain both an LMIA and a CAQ to hire foreign workers.

Extending Your Work Permit Without an LMIA or CAQ:

Eligibility to Apply for an Extension: You can apply to extend your work permit if it is set to expire within two weeks of your application date. While you do not need to have your new LMIA and CAQ at the time of application, you must provide proof of your job offer and evidence that you have requested these documents.

Proof of LMIA and CAQ Requests: To apply for a work permit extension, you need to include supplementary documents demonstrating that you have applied for your LMIA and CAQ. Acceptable proofs include:

  • Copy of LMIA and CAQ Application Submissions: Upload copies of your application submissions.
  • Receipt Confirmation Numbers: Upload the receipt confirmation numbers for online applications.
  • Details in Work Permit Application: In the “Details of Intended Work in Canada” section of your application, include the date the LMIA/CAQ request was sent, the office it was sent to, your employer’s name, and the submission confirmation number (if available).

For online applications in Quebec, you can upload the CAQ receipt confirmation number or a copy of the CAQ application in place of the new CAQ.

After Receiving Your LMIA and CAQ:

Providing Proof to IRCC: Within 60 days of IRCC receiving your work permit extension application, you must submit proof of your new LMIA and CAQ. Failing to provide this proof may result in your application being refused.

Consulting an Immigration Consultant : If your work permit is nearing expiration and you are unsure about the process, consulting an immigration consultant can provide valuable guidance. A lawyer can help ensure that you have all necessary documents and proof for your work permit extension, reducing the risk of application refusal.

In conclusion, extending your work permit in Canada without an immediate LMIA or CAQ can be challenging but is manageable with the right approach. By providing evidence of your job offer and proof that you have applied for the necessary documents, you can navigate the extension process smoothly. Stay tuned with Swift Immigration Solution for more updates as we continue to help number of new immigrants for their successful immigration journey.